Risk of Rain 2 story revolves around the team of UES: Safe Travels. It begins when the crew tries to find UES: Contact Light and any survivors during their journey. The crew has to try and face extreme wildlife and the environment. The difficulty level in this game keeps on increasing over time. You also see crew navigating Petrichor V through teleporters scattered all over the planet of risk of rain 2 characters.

All the team members travel endlessly through many different environments. They ultimately end up facing the final boos irrespective of the path taken. And those of you who are not aware of this, Risk of Rain 2 is the sequel of roguelike Risk of Rain. It is also a classic multiplayer game. Risk of Rain 2 is developed by Hopoo Games. The roguelike game was officially launched in the market on August 11, 2020.

Risk of Rain 2 wiki: What Is it About?

What’s in this article…

Risk of Rain 2 wiki is a very crucial segment of the game. It is all about roguelike game. You can find each and every piece of information about every survivor, character, monster, and item used in the game. If someone would like to know more about the possibility of rain 2, the wiki is the best place to get all the useful information.

Risk of Rain 2 wiki contains information related to the nature of every character, his role in the game, details regarding the missions, etc. In short, it contains all the information related to things that complete this game.

Risk of Rain 2 character unlocks: How to get every survivor | GamesRadar+

Image credit: gamesradar.com

Risk of Rain 2 characters tier list

Risk of Rain 2 is now officially usable for the games. The roguelike game is an indie game is a third-person shooter that features an uncountable number of enemies. The players have to hoard items to win over the enemies and the final boss. There are only a few characters that can be picked by the players at the moment.

Hence, it becomes really important for the players to select the characters wisely. If you are planning to play this game, you should select the best character from the lot along with its tier category. In this section, you will get the Risk of Rain 2 characters tier list.

Risk of Rain 2 – Best S tier characters


MUL-T is perhaps the strongest character in Risk of Rain 2. He has some insane abilities and equips a chain gun that can defeat big enemies as well. He also carries a rebar launcher that can be used to take down smaller opponents. Players can use this character from the monsoon run. With this character, it becomes comparatively easyto run down enemies and moves ahead in the game.


The Engineer is another amazing character is Risk of Rain 2. He is the perfect option, particularly for solo games. He has many abilities that let him stay alive during the game. Engineer also has a good healing power that gives him a competitive advantage over his enemies. However, this character is not as powerful as Monsoon Run. Hence, it must be selected wisely.

Risk of Rain 2 – Best A tier characters


Huntress is one more interesting character in the whole game. Like many other characters, she can also be kept under the category of underrated characters. This character can lead players to survive long in the game not because of her fighting skills but because of her analytical skills. However, for this character, you need to carry a bunch of items for a smoother run in this game.

Risk of Rain 2 – Best A tier characters

Image Credit: tierlistguide.com

Risk of Rain 2 – Best B tier characters


The Mercenary has amazing skills to cause severe damage to his opponents. This character is equipped with almost every skill and talent, except range. He can definitely cause mass destruction but at a loser range. He cannot be considered as a wise choice for solos games but can be preferred for multiplayer games.

Best C tier characters


The Commando is the most famous and perhaps the very first character in this roguelike game. He is among those characters that have a good survival rate and are versatile. He has a good range, causes severe damage to his enemies, but lacks mobility.

Best D tier characters

The Artificer

The Artificer is another decent character good for multiplayer games. The kind of support he provides during the complete game is enough to take you to the end. However, this character should not be considered for playing solos. This is because he lacks shield that makes his more vulnerable to his enemies.

These were some of the character in this roguelike game Risk of Rain 2. Where some of these characters are good for multiplayer games, most of them are suitable for solo games only. These differ on the basis of attacking power, their weapons, their survival rate, and how much damage they can cause to the enemy.

Irrespective of what character you chose and which path you select, you will ultimately face the boss in the end.

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