When we think about top tabletop games that really refresh our minds, Dungeons and Dragons took the first place automatically. It is an amazing pen and paper role-playing game dnd character creator. It is available in the market since 1974 as it was first published by Tactical Studies Rules Inc.
But it had become popular when Wizards of the Coast published it in 1997. The game is all about storytelling in worlds of sword and sorcery. Here, each player gets a chance to create an adventure or character. And later players team up with other players in order to enjoy more.
The success or enjoyment of Dungeons and Dragons depends on character creation. We have seen that a lot of players find the character creation job extremely exciting. On the other hand, some players find this job really daunting.
No matter you are a pro or just a beginner, our today’s blog is going to make you an expert dnd character creator. From our deep research and discussion with expert players, we have found an effective way for character creation. There is no hidden math that you need to solve for successful character creation.
As a player, all you need to do is just follow the important steps one by one. And you will end up having the best characters that can make you win easily.
So, without saying more about our experience with this game, let’s concentrate on the steps to create characters.
Steps you must follow as a dnd character creator
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Step 1: understanding the character concept
If it comes to creating characters that can add a new dimension to your game experience, understanding the concept is important. You cannot go far even without understanding the key concepts. It is always better to always come up with the elevator pitch of a character idea.
The elevator pitch is the main thing that you can actually present to your DM for approval. If you are finding it difficult to create the elevator pitch, you should learn more about the setting.
Along with this, we can say that without having any constraints, coming up with a new and exciting character idea is difficult. So, we suggest you should figure out all the creative constraints of the setting before you start creating any character.
In order to get the best ideas, you can check out the characters of other players. You can keep close eyes on social media to get new and out-of-the-box ideas.

Image credit: www.deviantart.com
Step 2: Choose a race
This step is truly simple, and here, you do not need to put that much effort. Just by looking at the elevator pitch, you can easily choose the best race. If you find that your elevator pitch is not instantly suggesting the best race you should choose, you need to read the whole.
I mean, you need to read the details of all the available races in the campaign setting. When you choose the best one, you should note down the traits on a paper accordingly. You may know that the ability score changes with time, and later, these traits will help you to continue.
Along with this, there is another important thing that you need to consider. You should not include a character with a race if the race is not up to the standard.
Step 3: Pick the best background
We have seen that many available guides on the internet just skipped the importance of background. Picking the right background is extremely important as it provides proficiencies and equipment.
Choosing the right background is not a tough task. Each background comes with a proper description of everything. You will know everything about the proficiencies and equipment.
It is very easy to think that we will have characters without any kind of flaw. But the reality is much more different than we think. There is no character that has no flaw. Each character will come with its own flaw, and you have to manage that tactfully.
Step 4: Select the perfect alignment
You may think that there is nothing serious with the alignment. But after days of close observation, we have decided that if we do not put down an alignment, it can improve the experience.
You may notice that the DM is suggesting you put down an alignment. But that will not be the right decision. We will discuss more alignment another day. Presently, you should not do much about alignment. All you need to do is refraining yourself from putting down an alignment.
Step 5: choose the right class
According to expert players, this step is the most vital step when it comes to successfully creating a character in Dungeons and Dragons. Choosing the right class will result in many benefits that you will realize slowly while playing the game.
You may know the importance of features of a character as they can make you or even break you. Most of the features you have or will get in the recent future will come from the class. So, it is important to pick the class carefully.
Your chosen class will determine when you will receive the ability to score improvement. Apart from this, what ability scores you want and the perfect time to generate ability scores, everything depends on your choosing skill.
If you can pick the best one for you, it will help you in saving throw proficiencies, skill proficiencies, health, and equipment. We always suggest choosing the class after choosing the race and background. If you pick the class before race and background, you have to again come back to your skill proficiencies. And that’s not a good thing!
Step 6: generate the ability scores
According to expert players, this step is the most vital step when it comes to successfully creating a character in Dungeons and Dragons. Choosing the right class will result in many benefits that you will realize slowly while playing the game.
You may know the importance of features of a character as they can make you or even break you. Most of the features you have or will get in the recent future will come from the class. So, it is important to pick the class carefully.
Your chosen class will determine when you will receive the ability to score improvement. Apart from this, what ability scores you want and the perfect time to generate ability scores, everything depends on your choosing skill.
If you can pick the best one for you, it will help you in saving throw proficiencies, skill proficiencies, health, and equipment. We always suggest choosing the class after choosing the race and background. If you pick the class before race and background, you have to again come back to your skill proficiencies. And that’s not a good thing!

Image credit: twitter.com
There are many ways to generate ability scores. Below, I am mentioning some of the effective ones:
Roll for them- this is one of the most used styles. Here, you need to use the dice in order to generate the ability score. You can easily roll four d6’s and make the highest three, six times. After that, you can easily collect numbers and decide the ability score.
Standard array- the magic list of numbers is known as the standard array in Dungeons and Dragons. Here, you need to take each number and assign them to the ability scores based on your requirements.
Point buy- if you love maximizing the abilities, this technique is meant for you. Here, you will start with 27 points, and each score will come with a different number of points.
Tip: low scores may seem frustrating, but I will suggest embracing them. Low scores can make big differences in the recent future. And I have personally experienced the game offers a new experience when I embrace the low scores and use them properly.
Step 7: Higher level characters
You need to level up for each level when you are trying to create a character above the first level. And it can result in a change in the starting equipment. It will be better if you discuss it with your DM to check what exactly you can at this level.
We can say that for the new DM, there will be a new table. And that table will effectively help you in determining the starting equipment.
Step 8: Equipment
When it comes to discussing the d&d 5e character generator online, we simply cannot end the discussion without saying little about equipment. From the ability scores, you will get an idea of which set of equipment is going to actually help you.
You may have seen that each class comes with a unique set of equipment. You can alternatively purchase everything and use it based on your requirements.
These are the 8 important steps that you need to consider while going for d&d 5e random character generator online. Being a dnd character creator feels exciting. We know that! I hope this article has helped you to understand the steps and their importance at the best level.
Today, the internet is filled with lots of information and dnd character creator visual guides so that you can play better.
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