Created by Paradox Development Studio, Crusader King II is becoming widely prominent for its high-end theme that follows the struggle of the player’s character amid the medieval century. For the most part, the CK2 game plot gives a sense of ruling county to the players. For example, the gameplay includes strategies built by the player to accomplish more and more for their dynasty. To achieve high-end goals in the game, CK2 Console commands have been helpful for experienced players. Especially those who are playing Crusader King II on Windows PC or macOS systems. 

CK2 Console commands

Image credit: Venture Beat

Thereafter, if you are a beginner with big goals while playing Crusader King Part II, this is your chance to make your experience worthwhile. Today, we brought you a complete guide on CK2 Console commands. These commands allow the player to add new artifacts in the game, change the character’s culture, modify characters, transmit claims of the county to another character, and much more. As amazing as this may sound, but often console commands are challenging to put to work. Therefore, in this reading, you will learn how to open the Console and how to add a command to it? Are you excited? If yes, let’s get started: 

How to open the CK2 Console command option? 

To begin with, before applying a command to your Crusader King II Gameplay, you will require to enter the console premises. For example, when you use the command prompt to modify settings on your PC, you need to open .cmd. Similarly, for the CK2 console command screen, follow the instructions given below: 

  • Use shortcut – Shift key + § key. 
  • Or, you can also use the Alt key + 0167 if § (section sign) is not available on your keyboard. 

Apart from this, for Windows PC CK2 Console commands users, the shortcut applicable is – Alternative key + 2 key + 1 Key and Enter section key. 

In comparison for MacOS users, the shortcut applicable to access CK2 Console commands setting is – Option key (Alternate key) + Number Six key and enter section key. 

Image credit: PC Games N

Please note that if you are utilizing a German keyboard, you should try the shortcut – Shift key + Number 3 key. Whereas, for a Spanish keyboard, the applicable shortcut is the Alt key + 2 key + 1 key. 

In the event that you are using any other type of keyboard, drop your “type” in the comment section, and we will comeback to you with an accurate shortcut combination of keys to access the CK2 Console command on your PC macOS or any other device. 

List of All CK2 Console Commands with Syntax and Description

Please note that all the commands provided below are true and tried. To use any command, use the same manner as depicted in “Syntax” section. Apart from this, please avoid putting “space or slash or any other special character” between two IDs that is not added in the syntax. To know the aftereffect of any CK2 Console command, read description thoroughly. Once you have applied a command, you cannot undo it. To do so, you will have to apply the command opposite to it.

For example, if you used “add lover” command but you want to undo this decision. You will require to use “remove lover” command.


CK2 Console Commands Name Scope Syntax Description
Prestige Player/Character prestige(amount) In place of amount, you can enter any number to increase your prestige up to that number. For example, if you enter prestige[9000], your character’s total prestige will be 9K. 
Add Artifact Character Add_artifact[artifact_id][character_id]  You can add any special objects, relics, and artifacts to your character. For example, to add the artifact “shroud of Jesus” use the artifact id – shroud_of_jesus. 
Add Trait Character/Player add_trait [trait id] [character id] You can add or change character’s trait. For example, to make your character a tough soldier, add trait id – tough_soldier
Remove artifact Character  Remove_artifact[artifact_id][character_id] You can remove any special objects, relics, and artifacts from your character. For example, to remove the artifact “shroud of Jesus” use the artifact id – shroud_of_jesus.
Remove Trait Character remove_trait [trait id] [character id] You can remove a character’s trait. For example, to make your character less of a tough soldier, remove trait id – tough_soldier
Age Character, it can be any character in the game. Not only the player’s character. age [character id] [years] You can use this command to change or distinguish the age of your character. This will also create an impact on a character’s appearance. 
Cash Character’s Gold Value cash[amount] Use this command to add a specific amount of cash to increase the value of your character in the game. 
claim Player’s Character or any other character in the Crusader King II claim[title_id][character_id] Please note that by using this command, you can claim any title to yourself or provide any title to another character. For example, to acquire the Vestisland of Norway, you can use the title id – c_vestiland. 
Enforce Peace Global enforce_peace This command is generally used when the player desires to stop a war and enable peace on his land in the game. 
Pick a new ambition  Character enable_amibition[character_id] Using this command, you can kick start a new ambition for your character. Similarly, using other’s character id, you can also provide them new ambitions. 
Add new event to the game Global event [event_id] [character_id] or[ province_id] You can add new events to the game by using this command. For example, to begin an event of Black Widow, use the event_id – 703. Similarly, you can add the command for your character solo. Or, add province id to execute the event for the entire province (county).
Grant favour to your or any other character Character favour_grant[character_id] For example, you can use the favour grant “train commanders” to acquire the favour for your province’s commanders. 
Give birth command Character give_birth[character_id] Use this command in order for a character to give birth to a new character immediately. 
Capture and imprison any character Character imprison[character_id] Use this command to capture any enemies that you may find threatening.
Enable a character to leave society anytime you want Character leave_society[character_id] You can use this command in order to force any character to leave a society that you may find threatening.
Validate new laws to a character Global validate_laws[character_id] Allow any character to follow laws that are validated in your society or province. 
Immediately complete construction Global quickbuild It will allow you to complete the construction of any province or premises within a second.
Improve or decline Game Pace Global game_speed[speed] You can increase or decrease game speed by setting it anywhere between 0 and 4. 
Get rid of offmap ruler Character kill_offmap_ruler[offmap_power_id] For example, to stop china golden age, use the offmap power id – china_golden_age. 


Expand your kingdom in the context of manpower Global morehumans[amount] Enter any amount to increase human power by that number. For example, enter “100” to increase the number of humans in your kingdom by 100.
Tie sacred knot with anyone Character marry_anyone[character_id] Using this command, you can marry anyone that you wish in the game.
Disease outbreak Global Outbreak[disease id] For example, to spread smallpox in your kingdom or any other kingdom, use disease id – small_pox.
Set a new flag for province Global set_prov_flag[flag_name][province_id] You can use this command to add a new or change the previous flag of a province to a new one with a new name, especially if you have claimed that province. 
Add Lover for your or any other character in the game Characters  Add_lover[character id1][chatacter_id2] Please note that in this command, you can add two character ids whom you want to tie as lovers.
Add Rivals for your or any other character in the game Characters Add_rival[character id1][chatacter_id2] Please note that in this command, you can add two character ids whom you want to tie as rivals.
Remove Lover for your or any other character in the game Characters Remove_lover[character id1][chatacter_id2] Please note that in this command, you can add two character ids whom you want to remove as lovers.
Remove Rivals for your or any other character in the game Characters Remove_rival[character id1][chatacter_id2] Please note that in this command, you can add two character ids whom you want to remove as rivals.
Change a province’s religion Global province_religion[province_id][religion_id[ You can use this command to execute a specific religion in a specific province. For example, to change ormond’s religion, use command – province_religion[15][zikri]
Remove all previous achievements Global wipe_achievements This command will allow you to remove all your achievements in the past and start afresh. 
Force Crusader King II to crash on your PC Global debug_crash Once the game crashes, you will be required to start over. This command is helpful if your PC is not performing in a stable manner.
Clean up Console ck2 Global clear Use this command to clean all previous settings on your console and start afresh. 
Impregnate any character  Character  Cuckoo [character id] Please note that using this command, whichever character you will impregnate, the father will remain unknown to you as well as the character.
Set up new government Global  government_Tag[character_id] You can change any character of the government. For example, use the government tag – muslim_goverment to change one’s government to islamic. 
Add score Character  add_score[amount] Character’s default score is 5K. You can increase it to any amount you want using this command. 
Remove flag of a province Global Clr_prov_flag [flag_name][province_id]
View character statistics Character  character_stats Use this command to view different statistics of your character. However, this command cannot be applied to a particular character which is not the mainstream player. 
Create a murder scene Characters  murder[character_id1][character_id2] Using this command, you can create a murder scene between any two characters you desire. 
Pollinate between two known characters Characters pollinate[character_id1][character_id2] Using this command, you can set up any two characters to have an intimate relationship and create a baby together. 
Automatic discovery of plots Global  discover_plots By using this command, you will automatically be able to view plots whenever available. 

Crusader King II Console commands not working: What to do? 

Now that you know all the amazing CK2 Console commands, you must be ready to have the most stunning gameplay of your lifetime. However, there’s a slight possibility that you cannot get any command to work. Why? Here are several reasons that you shall consider and rectify: 

Using Ironman Mode 

In the event that you are playing Crusader King II in Ironman, which is an optional gameplay flag, you will no longer be able to control it. For example, while using Ironman gameplay mode, all the previous decisions made by the player are saved automatically. Henceforth, using any type of command will not work in your favor. To make CK2 Console commands work, please turn off ironman gameplay mode. Or, start over!

Using Virtual Private Network

More often than not, game development authorities keep a back-end check on users playing the game in order to find out that they are not using any third-party software to obtain an unfair advantage over other players. VPNs are one of the most common factors that the authorities or security systems suspect. Disable VPN and see if the commands work now!

Image credit: Paradox Interactive and PC Gamers

Check CK2 Game for new updates

In the event that CK2 Console Commands are still not working out for you, it is possible that the version you have has been outdated. You can easily update it over the web. This will resolve the problem. 

Try not to enter “space” between IDs

While using a command, do you put space between characters’ IDs? If yes, then this may be the problem. Please write the command in the manner provided in the above table. 


Q: What are console commands in Crusader Kings 2? 

A: Console commands are instructions to the game that players can use to cheat, experiment, or work around bugs. They are activated by typing them into the console and pressing Enter.

Q: How do I open the console in Crusader Kings 2? 

A: To open the console in Crusader Kings 2, press the ` (grave) key on your keyboard. If you can’t open the console, or need help using it.

Q: What are some common console commands in Crusader Kings 2? 

A: Some common console commands in Crusader Kings 2 are:

cash <amount>: Gives you gold.

prestige <amount>: Gives you prestige.

piety <amount>: Gives you piety.

techpoints: Gives you 1,000 technology points for each type.

marry_anyone: Allows you to marry anyone.

charinfo: Shows you information about characters and provinces.

Q: How do I find character and province IDs in Crusader Kings 2? 

A: To find character IDs and province IDs in Crusader Kings 2, use the charinfo command or the debug_mode command. Then, hover over the character or province you want to know the ID of.

Q: How do I change the succession law in Crusader Kings 2? 

A: To change the succession law in Crusader Kings 2, use the succ <succession type> command. For example, succ primogeniture will change the succession law to primogeniture. Be careful, as entering a non-existing law will set it to none.


Ready for some fun? Go on and apply all the amazing commands now! For more details or any specific command request, our comment box is open. Thank you and Goodluck!

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